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Account Executives &
Property Managers

As the captain of your Stillman team, your Account Executive works closely with board members to ensure that your co-op, condo, or apartment property operates as efficiently as possible.

Your Stillman Property Manager is your point person for the daily operation of your property through close interaction with and training of your building personnel.

  • Darek Chranowski, Account Executive
  • Donna Murrell
  • Ed Lombardi
  • Hasan Mati
  • Jenna Guiliano
  • John Gjelaj
  • John Janis
  • Keith Confalone, Account Executive
  • Laura Valenti
  • Lauren Thompson
  • Lee Lewitt
  • Leny Gonzalez
  • Mark Syku, Account Executive
  • Nicolas Chaves-Oramas
  • Patty Henry
  • Philip Schonberg
  • Rich D’Amico
  • Robert Conca
  • Sheronda Robinson
  • Steven Hegner
  • Susan Tularzko